AWS Cloudfront – InvalidKey Unknown Key – when using signed URLs

I used the following command to generate the cloudfront signed url

aws cloudfront sign --url --key-pair-id APKAEIBAERJR2EXAMPLE --private-key file://cf-signer-priv-key.pem  --date-less-than 2022-01-01

To sign a URL, you need the key pair ID (called the Access Key ID in the AWS Management Console) and the private key of the trusted signer’s CloudFront key pair. 

Output Signed URL

The above URL is resulting in the following error:

  <Message>Unknown Key</Message>


  1. Go to the cloudfront distribution
  2. Click on the Behaviors tab
  3. Select the checkbox and click on Edit
  4. Select Trusted Signer in the Trusted Key Groups or Trusted Signer radio button
  5. Click Save


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